
The aim is to create a hydrological model in the Sierra Nevada to be able to translate the predictions of climate change to forecasts of change in the snowpack and in the flow of different watercourses of Sierra Nevada.

Method and effort

WiMMed, a physical hydrological model distributed and prepared by the Universities of Granada and Córdoba (Spain) was selected for the Environmental Council of the Regional Government of Andalusia. The formulation of the model required meteorological data, physical and hydrological properties of the soil, data on vegetation, and satellite images to be compiled and translated into the appropriate format. From the measurements of snow and water flows available at certain points, the model was calibrated and validated.

Simulations have been made to draw historical snow maps (from the past) and to estimate the reduction in the snow layer and of its melting from some of the climate scenarios considered at present by the IPCC.


The works were executed in a continuous manner, as they involve simulation.


Herrero J., Millares, A., Aguilar, C., Díaz, A., Polo, M.J. y Losada, M.A. 2011. WiMMed. Base teórica. Grupo de Dinámica de Flujos Ambientales. Universidad de Granada. Grupo de Dinámica Fluvial e Hidrología. Universidad de Córdoba. 41 pp.
Piña, V., Carpintero M., Millares, A., Aguilar, C., Herrero, J. y Polo, M.J. 2011. Diferencias en la relación almacenamiento descarga en las vertientes norte y sur de Sierra Nevada. Estudios en la Zona No Saturada del Suelo, 10: 347-352.