The Junta de Andalucía is the public institution responsible for the management of the territory and the application of scientific and technical knowledge in decision making. It is also the main financing organism of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory

Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory, within the Network of Observatories of Climate Change of Andalusia managed by this Ministry, integrates an environmental monitoring program developed by Agents and technical staff of the Natural Space of Sierra Nevada and the Environment and Water Agency, collecting the data that later will be integrated in the information system of the Observatory.
The University of Granada is the public institution that provides the planning, supervision, scientific coordination and internationalization of the activities developed within the framework of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory
The administration of the Natural Area of Sierra Nevada is responsible for environmental management in the area of Sierra Nevada and the promoter of projects aimed at adaptive management.

The National Parks Autonomous Agency carries out coordination activities of the statewide Network of National Parks, such as the Global Change Monitoring Program, with which the Sierra Nevada Observatory is coordinated, and the program for granting subsidies to research projects, both within the scope of the National Park Network. Likewise, through the Biodiversity Foundation, it has financed the installation, maintenance and operation of 8 automatic weather stations at various altitudes and orientations in Sierra Nevada. Recently its management has been transferred to the AEMET.

The Inter-University Research Institute of the Earth System in Andalusia is in charge of the documentation and integration of the information, with the collaboration of researchers from the University of Granada and other academic institutions, as well as the provision of web services related to the Observatory.